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Frequently Asked Questions


How is the Early College Academy [ECA] at Alexis I. du Pont High School [AIHS] different from a traditional high school?

The ECA is a program that offers enrolled students an opportunity to simultaneously earn high school and college credits through Wilmington University. During the students’ freshman through junior years, Wilmington University courses will be offered at AIHS and led by AIHS faculty. During the students’ senior year, select courses will be offered on Wilmington University’s campus. In addition, ECA students are offered the same academic opportunities as any AIHS student, including Advanced Placement and elective courses.  


How many students can attend the ECA at AIHS?

In the 2016-2017 school year, the ECA will serve a maximum cohort of 30 ninth-grade students.


Is there a parent-teacher group or organization I can join?

Yes. AIHS’s Parent Teacher Student Association is available to join. Visit for more information.


Can ECA students participate in sports and other activities?

Yes. ECA students have access to the same exciting opportunities as their AIHS peers, including extra-curricular activities, sports, and music programs.


Who determines or selects students’ courses?

The ECA Committee—comprised of administrators, school counselors, and teachers—determines the students’ courses through a process that takes the following into consideration: students’ ages, levels, and abilities; transferability of courses; and Wilmington University’s suggestions based on previous dual enrollment success.    


Will college students be in classes with ECA students?

Eventually, yes. ECA students will join Wilmington University students on campus during the ECA students’ senior year.


Will ECA students be identified as high school students to Wilmington University professors?

Yes. AIHS is working closely with Wilmington University faculty to provide a supportive environment for ECA students.


Are placement tests required before my student can take college courses?

Yes. English and math courses—taken during students’ senior year—will require a placement test. The ECA teachers at AIHS will focus on students’ preparation for the exam in order for each student to succeed.


What happens if my student is unable to pass Wilmington University placement tests?

Good News: Other indicators such as SAT scores may qualify students regardless of placement test scores. Students will have taken the SAT during their 11th grade year.  


While the goal is for each ECA student to pass his or her placement test, if a student does not pass the test or qualify in other ways, he or she will not receive college credits for English and math during senior year. This will not jeopardize the student’s high school requirements; however, the student may not be able to participate in the English and math courses through Wilmington University during his or her senior year. The student’s courses will be high school credit only in this situation.


What if my student is unable to pass Wilmington University courses?

While the ECA faculty at AIHS will offer support throughout a student’s ECA tenure, each situation is assessed on a case-by-case basis, and students’ ultimate success in the program is weighed heavily. Early intervention serves to provide assistance for struggling students; however, any students who experience difficulty for a length of time can be and most likely will be removed from the program for the interest of their long-term success in high school.


What if my student has special needs?

Special needs will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis based on Wilmington University policy.


How can I contact my student’s professors?

AIHS faculty information can be found under “Staff Directory” on the AIHS website

Wilmington University faculty information will be communicated when students take courses on Wilmington University’s campus.


 Is my student guaranteed to earn 28 college credits?

No.  The number of college credits earned by students is dependent on the student’s ability to effectively manage taking high school and college courses simultaneously.


What types of transcripts will students have while enrolled in the ECA and when students graduate from the ECA at AIHS?

Students will generate a traditional high school transcript at AIHS—with Wilmington University courses reflecting the AP/Dual Enrollment additional weight in the students’ grade point averages. Students will also generate a college transcript through Wilmington University.


Can Wilmington University courses be transferred to other colleges and/or universities?

Generally speaking, yes. An important component of the ECA course selection process reflects high transferability of its offered courses.  However, parents/students will be responsible for researching guidelines for transferring Wilmington University credits to the other colleges and/or universities.


What are additional benefits of the ECA at AIHS?

Notwithstanding the competitive cost of the program compared to cost per credit at colleges/universities (including Wilmington University), the ECA provides a rigorous college course load in a supportive environment. Students will enter their chosen colleges and universities with a highly competitive college transcript, successful college experience, and the mindset of a college student.


Where can I find updated information about the ECA at AIHS?

Access the ECA’s website


I still have questions.  Who do I call?

Direct questions to Laura Fitzgerald, school counselor, at AIHS High School: 302-651-2626 EXT 145 or  


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